Alberta Commercial Financial Incentives for Insulation

Emissions Reduction Alberta: Energy Savings for Business

Emissions Reduction Alberta’s Energy Savings for Business Program is helping small- and medium-scale businesses reduce their energy use and save money by increasing the adoption of commercially available energy-efficient technologies. The program is open to all industries and business types across Alberta except for Large Emitters as defined under the TIER Regulation, federal and provincially owned buildings, and the institutional sector (municipalities, universities, schools and hospitals). Certain measure types are eligible for new construction.

Up to $250,000 is available per project to a maximum of $1 million per company. Typical technologies include targeted commercially available energy-efficient upgrades such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technologies, building automation, hot water systems, indoor/outdoor commercial and industrial lighting systems and controls, and onsite electricity generation.

Businesses from across Alberta are eligible to access funding to cover a portion of their project costs for cost-saving and emissions reducing projects. These projects, using local skilled trades and suppliers, will re-invigorate the economy, helping businesses become more competitive, hire more staff, and grow their operations.



Funding will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications must be eligible for, at minimum, $500 in incentives and must include an ESB-approved contractor. Applying to be a contractor is easy.

All projects funded through the ESB Program have a deadline of six months to submit final documentation by default. The longest funding reservation permitted within the program is 12 months for applicable project types (large CHP, solar PV, and geothermal), with a completion date no later than March 31, 2023. The Post-project Application and all required documentation must be submitted by that date.

For easy submission, participants can grant their ESB-approved contractor access to their application. Participants or contractors can also leverage Application Assist, a free service where the ESB Support team will work with you, step-by-step, to build an application, reducing the time it takes to apply.

Complete program details, including terms and conditions and a list of eligible technologies, is available on


What types of projects will be eligible?

Examples of the types of projects that qualify for investment include (but are not limited to):

  • HVAC projects can include the installation of efficient boilers, hot water tanks, furnaces, rooftop units (including makeup air), chillers, and other upgrades to existing ventilation systems
  • Upgrades to fan and pump motors, including the installation of variable frequency drive units
  • Installation of advanced automation systems to control temperature, airflow, and lighting across the facility
  • Lighting projects can include replacement of outdated lighting systems, addition of automation, etc.
  • Installation of alternate on-site power sources such as combined heat and power systems and waste energy recovery systems based on the Organic Rankine cycle
  • May also include measures specific to industry/facility needs (e.g., restaurant, manufacturing)
  • Insulation and building envelope



Building Energy Use Reduction - Energy Audit Rebate
Businesses can take advantage of rebates and incentives offered by the Town to Banff to improve the environmental efficiency of commercial properties.

The City of Banff is offering pre-project energy audits at 1/3 of the cost.



Green Building Technologies
Alberta Innovates, Western Economic Diversification, Smart Sustainable Resilient Infrastructure Association (SSRIA), and Industry have come together to provide $6.3 million of funding to the Smart Sustainable Resilient Infrastructure Association (SSRIA). The funding will be used to establish a network of test buildings for small and medium-sized construction firms to develop new innovations in energy-efficient construction through testing, commercializing and adoption of new products and technologies.