Île du Prince Edouard : Aides financières pour l’isolation des bâtiments institutionnels

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National Program

[accordian divider_line= » » class= » » id= » »][toggle title= »Green Municipal Fund » open= »yes »]

Green Municipal Fund

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has provided funding for capital projects that mitigate the impacts of climate change, including retrofits, construction, replacement, expansion, or purchase and installation of fixed assets or infrastructure.  The projects demonstrate an innovative solution or approach to a municipal environmental issue, and offer significant environmental benefits, a strong business case and social advantages, and are complemented by local policies and measurement systems.

  • Low-interest loan for up to 80% of eligible project costs, to a maximum of $5 million (or $10 million for high-ranking projects)
  • Grant amount set at 15% of the loan
    • Applications are accepted year-round, but approval dates are made twice a year.

      Contact:   613-907-6208 | 1-877-997-9926 | email


      Provincial Programs

      [accordian divider_line= » » class= » » id= » »][toggle title= »Commercial Sector and Institutional Buildings Program for Energy Incentives (CSIPEI) » open= »no »]

      Commercial Sector and Institutional Buildings Program for Energy Incentives (CSIPEI)

      Prince Edward Island’s Office of Energy Efficiency is offering the following incentives:

      • Small building
        • Energy audit: 50% of cost up to a maximum of $750
        • Retrofit: $15/gJ saved, up to a maximum of $10,000
      • Medium building
        • Energy audit: 50% of cost up to a maximum of $1,500
        • Retrofit: $10/gJ saved, up to a maximum of $15,000
      • Large building
        • Energy audit: 50% of cost up to a maximum of $2,000
        • Retrofit: $10/gJ saved, up to a maximum of $20,000

      Contact:   902-620-3690 | 1-877-734-6336[/toggle][toggle title= »Energy Efficiency Multi Unit Residential Building Grant » open= »no »]

      Energy Efficiency Multi Unit Residential Building Grant

      Prince Edward Island’s Office of Energy Efficiency is offering building owners and managers 15% of the total cost to add insulation to multi unit residential buildings. 

      The requirements are as follows:

      • Above ground walls: at least R-6 is added
      • Below ground walls: at least R-12 is added
      • Basement header: at least R-20 is added
      • Attic: at least R-50
      • Sloped/flat roof: at least R-28
      • Exposed floor: at least R-20 

      Contact:   902-620-3690 | 1-877-734-6336[/toggle][/accordian]