Net-Zero and Net-Zero Ready

Net-Zero and Net-Zero Ready

These words, "Net-Zero" and "Net-Zero Ready" have been bandied about for years.  Several pilot homes have been built and studied, and articles written.  But the concepts have not caught on – why?...

Snug babies, lower energy bills, happy parents

Snug babies, lower energy bills, happy parents

According to statistics, July, August and September are the months when most babies are born in Canada. With Spring having just arrived, many expecting parents are renovating and planning how to...

Talking Energy with Jay Nordenstrom

This week is Let's Talk Energy Week, a national program organized by the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation to inform and engage Canadians on a number of topics relating to energy...

Insulation: The invisible sound-proof investment

Insulation: The invisible sound-proof investment

Choosing the right insulation product for your home can have a significant financial impact on your seasonal heating bill.  Additionally, it also offers significant gains in occupant comfort and...

Challenge accepted!

Our American counterparts, NAIMA, have challenged us to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  We accept this challenge. This challenge raises awareness of ALS and helps to raise funds for research. We now...

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