Today’s announcement by Ontario Minister of Energy Bob Chiarelli is an important step in advancing Ontario as a leader in energy efficiency. NAIMA Canada, the national organization representing Canada’s fibre glass, rock and slag wool insulation manufacturers (including four plants in Ontario), is very pleased with the Minister’s revised Long Term Energy Plan (LTEP).
“The LTEP will benefit Ontario consumers and manufacturers. Mechanisms such as on-bill financing will create economic stimulus and job creation as energy efficiency becomes a market driver,” stated Jay Nordenstrom, Executive Director of NAIMA Canada. “The LTEP creates the opportunity for insulation manufactures to continue to grow their capacity here in Ontario.”
Good jobs are being created in the energy efficiency sector across the province and increased investment in Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) will grow that number. For every dollar government invests towards conservation, six dollars are returned into the economy, according to a recent study commissioned by Natural Resources Canada on the economics of energy efficiency.
NAIMA Canada and its member companies applaud the Ontario government’s direction on energy conservation and remain committed to producing their products in Ontario to continue to stimulate the local economy.
“NAIMA Canada is appreciative of the recognition that insulation is always a good long-term investment towards energy conservation,” concluded Nordenstrom. “Installing insulation is a low risk renovation, with great return on investment. Whether you install insulation to reduce your heating and cooling bills, to reduce emissions, or to provide a more comfortable home for your family, it provides consistent energy savings year-after-year, from the minute it is installed.”