Prince Edward Island Residential Financial Incentives for Insulation

PACE Financing

PACE Atlantic CIC’s purpose is to provide low-carbon programs for Canadian municipalities that help homeowners invest in energy efficiency and solar. They support municipalities in their work to establish a PACE program in their community. The program design enables an easy, customer-friendly approach to energy efficiency upgrades, solar and beneficial electrification.

They can provide turn-key third-party administration of PACE programming including program design, policy, marketing, administration, QA/QC, measurement and validation, financing and billing and collection.

The program is significantly ramping up PACE funding summer 2021 with the launch of over $30M in programming across Ontario, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

With low-cost financing up to 20 years, no money down, flexible repayment terms and easy access to technical support, customers get what they need to make their energy and carbon reduction projects a reality.



Energy Efficiency Program

Attic insulation:

  • Regular Rebate: $2.50/100 square feet (SQ)/R-value increase
  • Low-income Rebate: $4.00/SQ/R-value

Minimum total R-value R50 for flat ceilings, R28 for sloped ceilings

Above grade walls (with new interior/exterior finish):

  • Regular Rebate : $25/SQ/R-value increase
  • Low-income Rebate : $40.00/SQ/R-value

Minimum R-value increase R6

Above grade walls (blown in insulation):

  • Regular Rebate : $5.00/SQ/R-value increase
  • Low-income Rebate: $8.00/SQ/R-value

Minimum R-value increase R10

Exposed floors and headers:

  • Regular Rebate : $12.00/SQ/R-value increase
  • Low-income Rebate: $20.00/SQ/R-value

Minimum total R-value R20

Below grade:

  • Regular Rebate : $12.00/SQ/R-value increase
  • Low-income Rebate : $20.00/SQ/R-value

Minimum R-value increase R12 for walls, R20 for headers

Windows, doors and skylights:

  • Regular Rebate: $100 per window opening to a maximum of $1000/property for ENERGY STAR zone 3 products
  • Low-income Rebate: $200 per window to a maximum of $2000/property for ENERGY STAR zone 3 products

Air Sealing:

Air Sealing Regular Rebate Low Income Rebate
10% improvement over initial ACH @50pa rate $100 $175
20% improvement over initial ACH @50pa rate $250 $450
30% improvement over initial ACH @50pa rate $400 $700



Energy Efficiency Loan Program
Note: Applications to the Energy Efficiency Loan Program must be made before any work commences, financing is not available for projects that are already completed.

Eligible applicants can apply to receive a repayable loan of up to $10,000, towards 100% of invoiced costs for eligible activities that have been pre-approved by efficiencyPEI under their rebate programs.

The loan will bear interest at the fixed rate of 5% per annum and is repayable over a period of up to 7 years.



New Home Construction Program
We want to help make your new home more energy efficient and comfortable! Here’s how: ​

  1. A certified Energy Advisor will review your building plans before you build.
  2. You will receive customized recommendations to improve the energy efficiency of your design and work with your builder to implement them.
  3. Depending on the efficiency of your new home, you could receive up to $5,000 in rebates.
  4. Your home will be assigned an EnerGuide rating that tells you (and future buyers) that your home is comfortable, efficient and saves money.



Home Energy Audit Program
An EnerGuide home evaluation is an energy audit designed to help homeowners increase the energy efficiency and comfort of their homes. The evaluation provides useful information about your home’s energy performance that can help you make informed decisions when operating, renovating or purchasing a home.

How much does an energy audit cost?

The evaluation will be carried out by HomeSol Building Solutions for a flat fee of $99 +HST. Homeowners who wish to participate can simply contact the company to schedule an appointment and the subsidy will be deducted upfront.