Manitoba : Aides financières pour l’isolation des bâtiments commercial
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[accordian divider_line= » » class= » » id= » »][toggle title= »Commercial Building Envelope Program » open= »yes »]
Commercial Building Envelope Program
Manitoba Hydro is offering its business customers the following grants for improving the building envelope.
Electric customers
- Roof (surface): $0.075 / R / ft2 for reaching a minimum of R (eff) 25
- Roof (cavity): $0.03 / R / ft2 for reaching a minimum of R (eff) 40
- Wall (surface): $0.065 / R / ft2 for reaching a minimum of R (eff) 17
- Wall (cavity): $0.04 / R / ft2 for reaching a minimum of R (eff) 17
Natural gas customers
- Roof (surface): $0.07 / R / ft2 for reaching a minimum of R (eff) 25
- Roof (cavity): $0.02 / R / ft2 for reaching a minimum of R (eff) 40
- Wall (surface): $0.06 / R / ft2 for reaching a minimum of R (eff) 17
- Wall (cavity): $0.025 / R / ft2 for reaching a minimum of R (eff) 17
Contact: 204-360-3676 | 1-888-624-9376 | email[/toggle][toggle title= »Commercial PAYS Financing » open= »no »]
Commercial PAYS Financing
Manitoba Hydro is offering its business customers on-bill financing at a rate of 5.6% for the first five years for upgrades to improve the energy efficiency of the building.
- Attic: minimum R (eff) 40 (RSI 7), maximum R (eff) 66 (RSI 11.6)
- Flat roof: minimum R (eff) 25 (RSI 4.4), maximum R (eff) 42 (RSI 7.4)
- Wall: minimum R (eff) 17 (RSI 3), maximum R (eff) 28 (RSI 4.9)
At least 1000f2 must be insulated in each area. New buildings under construction, unoccupied buildings, replacement energy efficient equipment, and insulation upgrades to areas below grade are not eligible.
Contact: 204-360-3676 | 1-888-624-9376 | email [/toggle][toggle title= »New Buildings Program » open= »no »]
New Buildings Program
Manitoba Hydro is offering the following incentives for designing, constructing, and operating new energy efficient buildings.
Energy Modelling Assistance Incentive: up to $10,000 to customers who submit a completed design energy modelling report before their project is tendered
Performance Path Incentive: Design or Construction — $1.00 / ft2
Proven Performance: $0.50/sq. ft. to $2.00/sq. ft. for demonstrating whole-building energy savings of at least 5% better than NECB (up to 20% better)
Contact: 204-360-3676 | 1-888-624-9376 | email [/toggle][toggle title= »Power Smart Religious Buildings Loan » open= »no »]
Power Smart Religious Buildings Loan
Manitoba Hydro is offering to assist religious building customers with the cost of building assessments and the implementation of appropriate energy improvements.
Low-interest loan:
- On-bill financing at 5.5% interest per annum
- Up to $15,000 is available for facilities with energy bills amounting to less than $10,000/year, or up to $30,000 for facilities with energy bills exceeding $10,000/year
On-bill financing of between $500 and $15,000 is available without an energy audit for up to 120 months (10 years).
Contact: 204-360-3676 | 1-888-624-9376[/toggle][/accordian]