Jul 13, 2016 | Building Professional, Membership, Uncategorized
The City of Toronto commissioned a report to explore the health benefits of reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere through improvements in a number of areas, including increasing energy efficiency of buildings. Although Toronto-centric, the report has some...
Jul 11, 2016 | Building Professional, Home Owner
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has recently increased the incentive they offer to borrowers buying, building, or renovating energy efficient homes, demonstrating their commitment to making energy efficient homes more affordable. Moving away from a 10%...
May 31, 2016 | Building Professional, Membership, Uncategorized
The Ontario government is continuing to solidify details to its Climate Change Action Plan, with the following developments: Using proceeds from the cap and trade program, Ontario will invest up to $900M over four years in energy retrofits for social housing and...
May 13, 2016 | Building Professional, Membership
The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, wants to build sustainable cities and communities. At CEEA’s Luncheon in Ottawa on May 9, the Minister announced that over the next 10 years, the federal infrastructure investments will be...
May 4, 2016 | Building Professional, Membership
What the recent I-Code hearings in the USA have made clear is that the American and Canadian Codes are not only different, but have different goals and functions in their respective countries. The Code process in the USA is very democratic, allowing all to submit...