May 4, 2016 | Building Professional, Membership
What the recent I-Code hearings in the USA have made clear is that the American and Canadian Codes are not only different, but have different goals and functions in their respective countries. The Code process in the USA is very democratic, allowing all to submit...
Apr 8, 2016 | Building Professional, Membership
Many people are realising the value of a highly energy efficient home. Less energy wasted means lower utility bills and the social satisfaction of reducing greenhouse gases generated to heat and cool the home. But surely homeowners would like their homes to have a...
Jun 2, 2015 | Building Professional
These words, “Net-Zero” and “Net-Zero Ready” have been bandied about for years. Several pilot homes have been built and studied, and articles written. But the concepts have not caught on – why? There are certainly no technical problems left...