Jun 13, 2016 | Building Professional, Membership
The Government of Ontario released its five-year Climate Change Action Plan on June 8, leading the province towards a low-carbon economy. The Plan, which is to be funded by the Cap and Trade Program’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account (GGRA), includes the following...
Oct 19, 2015 | Home Owner, Uncategorized
It’s getting cool again, and before long most of Canada will become cold enough to kill you. And while your house will almost certainly keep you alive this winter, the cold, cruel blast will likely do damage to your finances and your comfort level. Ask yourself this:...
Jun 24, 2015 | Home Owner
We all know there are a variety of incentive programs designed to encourage energy conservation. The trouble is knowing how to find the right program for the right location, building type or energy-efficiency upgrade. To simplify the search, NAIMA Canada has enhanced...
Feb 24, 2015 | Home Owner
This week is Let’s Talk Energy Week, a national program organized by the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation to inform and engage Canadians on a number of topics relating to energy consumption. The initiative has an on- and off-line strategy,...